Credit assessment before the damage is done
Credit rating - before the damage is done
Better late than never! Use Qatchr's credit check to identify customers and suppliers with poor payment history that could potentially damage your finances and business.
Over 5,000 Danish companies go bankrupt every year - small and large - and when that happens, it's rare that you get your money back if you have extended credit to them. This is usually because you are not the only company in the queue that is owed money. There are usually banks, mortgage companies, insolvency practitioners, etc. who are first in line. Therefore, it is often limited how much is left when it's your turn - as you usually have a simple claim.
Do you deal mostly with private customersyou can also look them up in Qatchr! This will tell you if the person has payment remarks and should therefore not be offered credit.
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Knowledge is power
Should credit be given? Should a deposit be taken? Or should no credit be given at all? These are questions that all businesses should ask themselves and investigate thoroughly before engaging with a new customer or supplier. By carefully analyzing, determining and setting a credit policy for each individual credit relationship, businesses have a better chance of maintaining healthy cash flow and reducing losses on potential bad payers and bankruptcy riders.
What is a credit rating?
When you apply for credit, you're essentially asking the creditor to trust your ability to pay. But how can you, as a creditor, know if you are actually financially sound? This is done by performing a credit assessment, which will often estimate a credit maximum and a maximum number of credit days. The creditor will then inform you whether or not credit can be granted and how much can potentially be granted.
Save the headache and rate your credit as early as possible
Start considering a credit rating on your potential customer, supplier etc. now, before making a price offer. This way, you as a creditor will save money in the long run, increase cash flow and save headaches and bad night's sleep in the future.
Qatchr is your safety net against bad trades
At Qatchr, we have a unique tool for companies that want to assess the creditworthiness of potential and current customers and suppliers. With our service, Credit Check, we give you the best conditions for a valid credit rating. A credit check includes, among other things:
✅ Credit score
✅ Recommended credit maximum
✅ Recommended number of credit days that should be given
✅ Payment remarks in Qatchr
✅ Detailed observations (e.g. whether the company has foreign owners or has experienced a change of auditor)
✅ Last 5 years of accounts
✅ Development of key figures
The credit score is the cornerstone of our credit check. It indicates a company's ability to honor any loans and pay their debts or the likelihood of not being able to cover any major debts. The score ranges from 0-100 (high to low trade risk) and is calculated based on a wide range of parameters - including a person's bankruptcy history, key figures from recent financial statements, size, payment history and many more. Depending on what the credit check reveals, you can either decline to cooperate or take certain steps to protect yourself in a potential deal. For example, you can suggest a customer with a bad credit score (high risk) to make ongoing partial payments to protect your finances.
Search for private individuals
A private search in Qatchr will quickly reveal if your customer has a payment remark and is registered as a bad payer in our debt register, Debtor List.
✅ Detailed debtor info
✅ Payment remarks in debt register
✅ CPR validation and status
✅ Latest change of address
✅ Vehicle liens
✅ Housing conditions
Read more about credit checks here