Base api: POST header. api-key = "Secretkey from admin" cvr json { "keyword": "20015381" } cpr { "keyword": "0000000000" } user_info { "name":"", "address":"", "house_number":"", "birthdate":"", "street_name":"", "zip_code":"", "minimum":true } -------------------------------------------------cpr----------------------------------------------- /cpr Get personal information by supplying the CPR # Beskrivelse Parametre Responsform 1 Get personal information by supplying the CPR keyword : string(10) {"data":"","message","","extra":[]} HTTP Request POST /cpr Request example { "keyword":"0000000000"} Response example { "data": { "search_result": { "cpr_result": { "match": true, "msg": "", "data": { "name": "", "address": "", "zipCode": "", "cityName": "", "allData": { "recordType": "", "custRefNo": "", "prodDate": "", "personMark": "", "matchType": "", "statusStart": "", "status": "", "nameAddressProtection": "", "addressName": "", "moveDate": "", "convn": "", "locality": "", "standardAddress": "", "cityName": "", "zipCode": "", "postalDistrict": "", "municipalityCode": "", "streetCode": "", "houseNo": "", "floor": "", "door": "", "buildingNo": "", "formalName": "", "lastName": "", "streetAddressName": "", "advProtection": "" } } }, "assets_result": { "name": "", "address": "", "houses": [], "cooperatives": [], "cars": [] }, "cpr_error": false, "assets_error": false }, "collect_it_debts": [], "customer_debts": [], "debts": [], "score": null, "credit": [], "color": { "color": "", "hit_by": null, "registered_by": null, "reason": { "total_debts": { "current": 0, "max": 1000, "min": 500 }, "number_of_debts": { "current": 0, "max": 5, "min": 3 }, "black_list_item": { "current": 0, "max": 1, "min": 0 }, "score": { "current": null, "max": 100, "min": 0 }, "status": { "current": null } } } }, "message": "Search result for ...", "extra": [] } Response code 200 Response code failed 400 ---------------------------------------------------------------cvr--------------------------------------------------- /cvr Get company information by supplying the CVR # Beskrivelse Parametre Responsform 2 Get company information by supplying the CVR keyword : string(8) code : 1 (fix) full : boolean() {"data":"","message","","extra":[]} HTTP Request POST /cvr Request example { "keyword":"20015381", "code":1, "full":true } Response example { "data": { "search_result": {}, "debts": [], "score": 100, "has_last_year_report": true, "credit": { "status": true, "result": "", "max_credit": 2500000, "max_credit_days": 45, "out_of_range": false }, "averages": [], "color": { "color": "green", "hit_by": null, "registered_by": null, "reason": { "total_debts": { "current": 0, "max": 1500, "min": 1000 }, "number_of_debts": { "current": 0, "max": 3, "min": 1 }, "black_list_item": { "current": 0, "max": 1, "min": 1 }, "score": { "current": null, "max": 60, "min": 20 }, "status": { "current": "NORMAL" } } }, "observations": [] }, "message": "Search result for 20015381", "extra": [] } Response code 200 Response code failed 400 ------------------------------------------user_info------------------------------------------------------- /user_info Credit score by user info. Address can be old address of person which result will be include new address and other credit information. By fill the birthdate key you can access more information about person’s other properties. For getting details about address parts you can use autocomplete API before. Success response has 200 include person information Error response include 404 not found information , 422 unpossessable entity. # Beskrivelse Parametre Responsform 3 Credit score by user info. Address can be old address of person which result will be include new address and other credit information. By fill the birthdate key you can access more information about person’s other properties. For getting details about address parts you can use autocomplete API before. Success response has 200 include person information Error response include 404 not found information , 422 unpossessable entity. name : string(50) street_name : string(50) house_number : string(50) zip_code : string(4) birthdate : string(6) {"data":"","message","","extra":[]} HTTP Request POST /user_info Request example { "name":"", "address":"", "house_number":"", "birthdate":"", "street_name":"", "zip_code":"", "minimum":true } Response example { "data":{ "search_result":{}, "debts":[ { "ActNo":"", "ClosureDate":null, "CollectionActNo":"", "Collector":"", "CreditorNo":"", "ReferenceNo":"", "RegDate":"", "TotalAmount":"", "creditor":{ "CreditorNo":"", "Name":"", "Addr1":"", "Addr2":"", "CountryCode":"", "PostCode":"", "City":"" } }, { }, { }, { } ], "score":null, "credit":[ ], "color":{ } }, "message":"", "extra":[ ] } Response code 200 Response code failed 400 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Color explanation for credit check. 1 - Wrong address : red 2 - In blacklist : red skips for now 3 - Total amount of debts yellow => 500 1000 else green 4 - Number of cases yellow => 0 2 else green