Personal data

With this privacy policy, we want to create openness and clarity about our registration and processing of personal data. This policy will be continuously reviewed and changed if we find reason to do so.

1. contact details of the data controller

We are the data controller for the information we process about you as a Qatchr user and can be contacted as follows:

Qatchr A/S
Abildager 11
2605 Brøndby 20015381 77407887

Questions regarding this privacy policy and GDPR in general should be sent to DPO can be contacted at

2. Purpose and basis for processing

As a credit information agency, we are obliged to store information on those who make inquiries in our information register. This is to know exactly who has received what information, to ensure that our service is provided correctly according to the terms of use of our service, and to be able to inform if any information provided turns out to be incorrect or misleading.

Vores forpligtelse til opbevaring er mindst 6 måneder. Vi sletter løbende, men ikke nødvendigvis dagligt, og derfor vil sletning ikke nødvendigvis ske på 6-måneders dagen. Der kan i øvrigt være konkrete årsager som vil gøre, at vi forlænger opbevaringen af oplysningerne, eksempelvis hvis der verserer eller forventes klage eller indsigelse mod vores behandling.

Your data may also be processed in connection with any customer service and customer support.

Our basis for processing is therefore both for the purpose of fulfilling a contract/agreement in relation to your user information, cf. Article 6(1)(b) of the GDPR, but also as a result of a legal obligation to retain information about those who collect information, cf. Article 6(1)(c) of the GDPR. If our legal obligation to retain the data expires, but we assess that there is still a need to retain the data about you, it will be on the basis of a legitimate interest, cf. Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR.

Derudover anvender vi dine oplysninger i forbindelse med din tilmelding af nyhedsbrev. Behandlingen sker på baggrund af dit samtykke og i henhold til databeskyttelsesforordningen art. 4, nr. 11, jf. art. 7, og art. 6, stk.1, litra a. Du kan til enhver tid framelde dig nyhedsbrevet.

3. the personal data processed

We only process general personal data about you. As a starting point, the information we log will be on the company you are acting on behalf of, but we will also process your name and possibly your address if this information appears in the CVR register and is associated with the company. We expect that your contact information is not private, but belongs to your employer/workplace.

4. Origin of the data

The data is collected or received in the following ways:

  • From the data subject itself (including management, ownership, employees)
  • In connection with the data subject's newsletter subscription
  • Via the CVR register
  • Via social media, advertising and analytics providers and various publicly available databases/registers
  • via browser cookies when using the website (read more about our cookie handling policy at the following link:
5. Deletion deadlines

As a credit reference agency, we are obliged to register and log information for at least 6 months about those who request credit information, as well as who and what the request concerns. There may be specific reasons for keeping the information for a longer period of time, for example, if complaints are received about the disclosure of the information, or if processing is pending or expected under the rights of the data subject.

If you are a registered user or newsletter recipient, your data will be stored for at least as long as your user is active.

6. Safety in treatment

We ensure that there is an adequate level of security, both technical and organizational, in connection with our data processing, based on, among other things, ongoing risk and impact assessments.

We continuously maintain and reassess our procedures and check that the security level remains adequate.

7. Rights of the data subject

As a data subject, you have legal rights in relation to the processing of your data.

  • You have the right to access the data processed about you
  • You have the right to have incorrect information corrected
  • In certain situations, you have the right to have data about you deleted
  • In certain situations, you have the right to restrict the data processed about you
  • You have the right to object to the processing of your data
  • You have the right to data portability in certain situations
  • You have the right to complain to the Danish Data Protection Agency

If you want to know more about the rights, we refer to the Danish Data Protection Agency at the following link,

Kontakt os hvis du ønsker at benytte dig af dine rettigheder. Det kan ske telefonisk, men vi synes skriftlig henvendelse i højere grad mindsker eventuelle misforståelser. Vi vil uanset bestræbe os på at besvare din henvendelse senest 30 dage fra modtagelse af henvendelsen. Vi har brug for at få verificeret din identitet for at kunne besvare din henvendelse.

8. Complaints authority

Klage over behandlingen i henhold til denne persondatapolitik kan ske til Datatilsynet, som er tilsynsmyndighed. Find Datatilsynets kontaktoplysninger på følgende link,

Link til at klage:


Danish Data Protection Agency
Carl Jacobsens Vej 35
2500 Valby


Write to us

If you have any questions, you are welcome to write to us here.


Do you have any questions?

We are ready to help you every weekday 08.30-15.30 if you have any questions or want to know more about our services.