Credit Status is an online debt register that gives creditors and lenders insight into customers' information about existing loans, credits and debts.
Credit Status is a product published by Norwegian Experian, formerly known as RKI (Ribers Kredit Information).
What can credit status be used for?
Credit status allows you as a company, creditor and creditor to get an overview of your customers' credits - if the customer has one of the participating creditors and they have sent information to the platform.
Credit status allows lenders to make credit assessments based on the information available on the platform, provided it is relevant to the lender and accessible to the consumer.
In addition to using the system to make credit assessments, the company can also use credit status to verify the borrower's name and address, see the number of lenders, the number of agreements, the types of loans taken out, when the credits were established and what the original principal amount was.
In addition, the credit status shows whether a loan/credit is in arrears and therefore not paid.
On the platform, businesses, creditors and lenders can view existing credit agreements until they are repaid and which ones have been repaid within the last 6 months.
Participating lenders
Currently, there are only 13 banks and lenders that are enrolled in credit status and thus send credit information to CreditStatus.
The participating lenders are:
The above list is as of September 2024 - it may have grown or shrunk since then.
RKI and credit status are not the same thing
Som online platform for kredittjek er vi dagligt i dialog med mange virksomheder om løsninger inden for kreditdata, KYC og kreditanbefalinger.
We often hear questions about RKI and credit status - and many people mistakenly think that RKI and credit status are the same thing, but they are not.
Both RKI and credit status are published by Norwegian Experian (formerly Ribers Kredit Information) and are basically both debt registers - registers of debt for private individuals and companies.
However, the fundamental difference is that RKI is a register of defaults, including defaulted credits or unpaid invoices, while credit status simply shows existing debt relationships with participating banks and lenders.
On CreditStatus, you can also see debts that are in arrears.
Both RKI and credit status can be used separately, but both for the purpose of contributing to the credit rating of customers.
See your own credit status
As a consumer, you have the option to view your own credit status by logging in to the website with MyID.
On this page, you can view your existing credit agreements as well as the credit agreements that have been repaid within the last 6 months. Keep in mind that you must have one of the participating lenders to view the information.
Få hjælp til kredittjek med Qatchr
Qatchr er et online værktøj til kredittjek – udviklet i samarbejde med en af Nordens største inkassofirmaer, Collectia.
With Qatchr, we've made it easy for you to gain insights into your customers' financial situation, public accounts and much more.
Qatchr kan foretage kredittjek af både privatpersoner og virksomheder og kan på baggrund af en lang række forhold og parametre hjælpe kreditorer og långivere med anbefalinger om kreditstørrelser, kredittid og meget mere.
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